Awarded Spring 2023

American Veterans Center
The mission of the American Veterans Center is to guard the legacy and honor the sacrifice of American veterans over the last 75 years of our shared history. A grant was awarded for continued funding of their Veterans Oral History Preservation project. Read More

Believe in Tomorrow
Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation provides hospital and respite housing services to critically ill children and their families, prioritizing armed forces families who have their own set of unique challenges. The grant was for the replacement of the front outside decking on a respite home being renovated in Ocean City. Read More

Bottomless Closet
Bottomless Closet provides a variety of education and assistance to help disadvantaged New York City women feel confident, prepared, and empowered to ace their job interviews, start a new job, and begin their journey to self-sufficiency. The grant was for their Self-Sufficiency Workshop Program called Upskill at Home. Read More

Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding
CATR empowers children and adults with disabilities to enjoy more active and fulfilling lives through therapeutic horsemanship. The grant was for their student scholarship fund. It will fund a twelve-week session of therapeutic riding to six children with a disability who would not otherwise be able to participate due to financial need. Read More

Daughters of the American Revolution
The grant went to the Peggy Stewart Tea Party Chapter and was for the purchase of care package contents to send to deployed US military personnel to provide aid and comfort. Read More

Family House
The grant was made to support the capital campaign, Under One Roof: The Campaign for Family House. Family House, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, provides a safe, comforting, and affordable “home away from home” for patients and their families who travel to Pittsburgh hospitals for expert medical treatment. Read More

Hearing and Speech Agency of Baltimore
HASA serves those who are hard of hearing with diverse services including education, hearing health, inclusion, language access, and speech and language intervention. The grant was for a sensory room where students can calm and focus to be better prepared for learning and interacting with others. Read More

Hero Dogs
Hero Dogs improves quality of life for our nation’s heroes by raising, training, and placing service dogs and other highly skilled canines, free of charge with lifetime support of the partnerships. The grant is for the continuing care and training of Hero Dog Cassie. Read More

Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands
The mission of Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands is to express Christian love and care to the community through service. Their team administers to the needs of children who have been abused or displaced, low-income seniors, and individuals with disabilities of all ages. The grant will pay for a new van for the children in their care, replacing an old van that spends most of its time in the repair shop. Read More

Pal-O-Mine Equestrian
Pal-O-Mine is dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with special needs. Their mission is to provide a comprehensive therapeutic equine program using horses to facilitate growth, learning and healing. The grant was for the purchase of a miniature horse trailer, enabling them to bring their mini horses to community events and visits to Veteran’s organizations and hospitals throughout Long Island. Read More

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
The grant is for continued funding for the UPMC Sim Training Center for Staff Onboarding & Nurse Skill Development. This will help new nurses build skills in a safe environment, preparing them for real life situations. This was a two year grant, awarded initially in 2022. Read More

Variety - The Children's Charity
The mission of Variety is to empower children with disabilities to live life to the fullest. The grant is for Variety’s My Stroller Program. These adaptive strollers increase the mobility, inclusion, self-sufficiency, and safety of children with disabilities. The grant will cover the cost of nine strollers. Read More

Walk the Walk Foundation
The mission at Walk the Walk Foundation is to bless children in need by empowering individuals to serve through their time, talents, and treasures. The grant helps support their Diapers for Babies program, covering the cost of 31,250 diapers. Read More
Awarded Summer 2023

Angela's House
The mission of Angela’s House is to identify familes caring for their children who may have a severe disability or medical condition so that they may help them obtain supportive services to improve the quality of life for the children and their family. Two grants were awarded. One grant helped fund a new outdoor play space at Angela’s House 2 in Smithtown. The second grant helps fund individual and group respite options for medically fragile children and their families. Angela’s House currently works with over 250 children who live at home with their families. Respite periods are vital in helping caregivers relieve stress and put themselves first, preparing them to return to care for their child. Read More

Best Buddies Maryland
Best Buddies is dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Best Buddies of Maryland is a statewide division of this international program. The grant was for the Anne Arundel County School Friendship and Leadership Development programs. This is a program focused on building mutually enriching friendships between students with IDD and students without IDD. Read More

Beyond Our Walls
Beyond Our Walls (BOWs) provides a Neighborhood Learning Center and Activity Center for school-age children who qualify for free or reduced lunches, especially in school zones experiencing underperformance in academic, behavioral, and social skills. The grant paid for upgraded equipment and training for their Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math after school and summer programs. It also paid for some updated security. Read More

Don't Stop Dreamin'
Don’t’ Stop Dreamin was born from a desire to provide meaning, fulfillment and fun to the lives of residents living in Quality Life Services nursing and personal care homes in western Pennsylvania. The families of residents fill out an application to fulfill one of their loved one’s dream or wish. The dreams may be experiences, trips, excursions of some sort, or any number of other things. The grant supports some of these dreams.

Colonial Williamsburg
The grant was for the expansion and renovation of the Bob and Marion Wilson Teacher Institute Center. The Teacher Institute is the Foundation’s flagship program directed at improving the effectiveness of American history education in schools across the nation. Now in its 34th year, the Teacher Institute has helped more than 12,000 teachers onsite here in Williamsburg learn how to bring history to life in the classroom.

Fisher House
Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military and veteran families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. The Friends of Pittsburgh Fisher House supports the day-to-day operations of the Pittsburgh Fisher House and is raising funds for the capital campaign to build a second Pittsburgh Fisher House. The grant went towards that campaign. The home will have sixteen rooms and will be located on the H.J. Heinz III campus of the VA Healthcare System in O’Hara Township.

Gallop NYC
Gallop NYC uses therapeutic horsemanship to help riders in NYC with disabilities walk, talk, and learn, inspiring them to live their lives as fully, independently, and productively as possible. The grant was for therapeutic riding scholarships for children and adults with disabilities. Read More

Hope For All
HOPE For All is a Christian ministry whose mission is to provide basic furniture, household items, and clothing to people in our community who are without the financial means to meet their basic needs. The grant was for the purchase of beds and related furniture needs for people transitioning from homelessness or other crisis.

Hope to Home
The mission of Hope to Home is to deliver essential home furnishings to displaced or homeless individuals and families who secure housing. The grant will go towards the purchase of beds, mattresses, sheets, blankets and pillows. Read More

Jeremiah's Place
Jeremiah’s Place protects children and strengthens families by providing a safe haven of respite, health, renewal, and support for children when their families are experiencing a critical need for childcare. Funding is being used to support Jeremiah’s Place Emergency Childcare Program needs. This will include support for the necessities used to provide care daily, such as food, clothing, and pajamas. Read More

Life'sWork of Western PA
Life’sWork assists persons (youth and adults) with disabilities or other barriers to employment to achieve independence and dignity through productive employment opportunities. The grant was for the construction and outfitting of their Vocational Skills Development Lab (VSDL). The VSDL program is designed to accelerate the process and enhance the success of an individual’s transition to employment opportunities. Read More

Little Orchestra Society
The Little Orchestra Society empowers young people by engaging them with music composition and celebrates their creativity along a continuum of programming. The grant helps support their Musical Connections program and for expanded residencies. Read More

Lowcountry Orphan Relief
The mission of Lowcountry Orphan Relief is to provide services and aid to meet the needs of at-risk and existing abandoned, abused and neglected children in the Lowcountry (SC). The grant will go towards Care Kits for foster children with each containing enough clothing for about two weeks as well as toiletries, school supplies and a backpack. Read More

Paws of War
The mission at Paws of War is to honor and support our veterans, active military members, and first responders with services that enrich their lives through the rescue and training of service dogs for independence, adoption of companion animals, rescue of overseas animals in war zones, and other essential services to assist our heroes in need. The grant was for their Vet 2 Vet Clinic, designed to provide low or no-cost comprehensive veterinary care and support services to retired military personnel and their service animals. Read More

Preservation Society of Charleston
The Society serves as a strong advocacy leader for citizens concerned about preserving Charleston’s distinctive character, quality of life, and diverse neighborhoods. The grant is for their Black Businesses of Charleston Oral History Project which is a community-led initiative to document and amplify the under-told stories of Charleston’s historically Black-owned businesses. The grant will enable them to record five new videos for their website.

The Watson Institute
The Watson Institute helps children with special needs achieve their fullest potential in all aspects of their lives. Watson provides special education and other programs and services that meet the physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of the whole child. The grant was for the purchase of equipment, supplies and training to implement a Makerspace in their WISCA (Watson’s Social Center for Academic Achievement) program. Read More

Travis Mills Foundation
The Travis Mills Foundation supports post-911 recalibrated veterans and their families through various programs that help these heroic men and women overcome physical and emotional obstacles, strengthen their families, and provide well-deserved rest and relaxation. The grant was for their Recalibrate program. Each quarter, veterans are able to apply for the program, outlining a barrier that they have recognized since they returned home. A request is made for some kind of assistance and the cost is covered by this fund.

Xavier Society for the Blind
The mission of Xavier Society is to provide the Word of God, and the best of Roman Catholic teaching and literature, spiritual and inspirational material, to blind or visually impaired persons of any faith in whatever format best meets their needs at no charge and to continually explore ways to make that material more accessible and available to the widest possible audience of those in need. The grant will help fund the transcription of reading materials into braille and audio. Read More
Awarded Fall 2023

Gigi's Lancaster
Gigi’s Playhouse is a global nonprofit with the mission to change the way the world views Down Syndrome and to send a global message of acceptance for all. The grant was for their Believe in Our Build campaign at their Lancaster location. They have secured a new location but need funds for the buildout. The larger space will enable us to increase the capacity of current programs and launch new ones based on participant and family needs.

Ionic Lodge Charitable Foundation
Ionic Lodge is focused on taking “good men and making them better.” The funding will cover the cost of ten packed backpacks for local school children who cannot afford to purchase their own.

Light House
The Light House mission is to rebuild lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward employment, housing, and self-sufficiency. The funding was for their Flexible Housing Fund. This pays for short term emergency housing while longer term arrangements are made.

St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen
The mission at St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen is to create a community partnership of people of all faith traditions “To Feed the Hungry Poor,” They have expanded over the years to include a Free Clothing Store and a Client Choice Food Pantry and an outreach program that sends food to 3 additional sites each week. The grant was for their Healthy Food Choice Initiative. It is also for the purchase of undergarments.