At Phillips Charitable Foundation (PCF) our mission is to support organizations that provide necessary change in the lives of vulnerable populations by solving problems and removing obstacles that lead to lasting solutions. Through our grant-giving we aim to bring dignified living to those we serve. Although our main focus is on helping people, a smaller portion of our grant funding has gone to another vulnerable population, homeless animals.
Everyone at Phillips Charitable Foundation are animal lovers, we also believe that animal shelters such as Tabby’s Place and Paws Crossed help bring people together through their volunteer programs and community involvement. They strengthen communities which is why we are pleased to support these two outstanding organizations.
Our benefactor, Howard W. Phillips Jr. along with his mother Marie, were also animal lovers. In his later life Howard provided a loving home to his cats Kanga and Buddy. In fact, as we looked back at photos we have of Howard and his family, we noticed there are more photos of his cats than there are of him! They were a part of his family. We’ve included a small selection of Howard’s cat photos below.
Some of Howard's Photos of Kanga and Buddy

Tabby's Place: A Cat Sanctuary
Ringoes, New Jersey
Tabby’s Place is a cage-free sanctuary that rescues cats from hopeless situations. They do not choose cats based on “adoptability.” Rather they embrace the neediest of cats regardless of age, most medical conditions, or temperament. Tabby’s Place is in the midst of a Capital Campaign to build a 5,000 square foot expansion called Quinn’s Corner. We were pleased to provide a $50,000 grant for this expansion.
The story behind Quinn’s Corner began when a woman walked into Tabby’s Place and fell in love with a young kitten with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). She understood the risks and challenges and took the kitten home knowing it may only have months to live. She named her Quinn. Months passed, and then years, and Quinn remained a healthy and happy cat.
FeLV suppresses the immune system and leaves cats susceptible to other diseases. Their lifespan is typically shorter than average. In many shelters, FeLV cats are deemed unadoptable and are euthanized. Few facilities have the capability and expertise to house these cats in a manner that avoids disease spread while providing a high quality of life.
Quinn’s mom wanted to help other cats like her. She donated $3.5 million to begin the expansion that would include Quinn’s Corner, a first-of-its-kind haven for cats infected with FeLV. It will be a cage-free home like Tabby’s Place, along with first-class veterinary care. Two rooms in Quinn’s Corner will be named after Howard’s cats, Kanga and Buddy. We know he and his mother would be so proud!
“It is a great honor having the Phillips Charitable Foundation by our side as our Quinn’s Corner expansion becomes a beautiful reality, and your gift will go a very long way for the most vulnerable cats of all,” stated Angela Hartley, Development Director at Tabby’s Place. “Please know that Howard’s compassion will live on forever at Tabby’s Place, and we count it a joy and a privilege to be part of his legacy.”
For more information on Tabby’s Place visit their website here.
For information about Quinn’s Corner click here.
Paws Crossed
Elmsford, NY

Paws Crossed is a no-kill animal rescue organization. Their mission is to rescue one by one until there are none. They fulfill their mission through rescue, rehabilitation, rehoming, advocacy, collaboration, and education.
Paws Crossed leadership and staff have done a remarkable job since their beginnings in 2016. Each year they’ve made major accomplishments and continued to grow their community connections and support. Their love for the animals in their care is evident in everything they do.
Paws Crossed began with an old building that needed significant work just to meet building codes. Fast forward to today, and they’re in the midst of a Capital Campaign titled, “There’s No Place Like Home.” A brand-new adoption center is underway, including four new cat rooms, three meet and greet rooms, a much-needed community clinic, and educational space. We awarded Paws Crossed with a $75,000 grant towards the building of the adoption center. This is our third grant to Paws Crossed. We continue to be impressed by their growth, success, leadership, and impact on the community.

“This incredible gift is truly a dream come true,” said Julie Potter, Business and Development Director. “The impact of this gift and of this Chapter in our ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ Campaign will be significant and lifesaving for both orphaned pets and the people and the community that love them.”
For more on the history of Paws Crossed and ways you can ADOPT, VOLUNTEER or DONATE, please visit their website at at this link.
You can also learn more about them on their Facebook page.
Congratulations to Tabby’s Place and Paws Crossed. From all of us at Phillips Charitable Foundation, thank you for the work you do to save animals and strengthen communities.