We are excited to announce six grantees for the 2019 Phillips Charitable Foundation Workforce Development Grant Series. Each of the organizations chosen for this grant series provides education, training, and support services needed to help disadvantaged adults succeed in the labor market.
A grant to the Certified Nursing Assistant Program at Bello Machre kicked off this grant series back in February. The six new grantees are each listed below.
Life's Work of Western PA
Pittsburgh, PA
The mission of Life’s Work of Western PA is to increase the quality of life of persons with disabilities and others with barriers to employment through productive employment opportunities. Life’s Work was awarded a $45,000 grant to begin a three phase technology upgrade. The hardware and software upgrades are essential to support Life’s Work professionals and ensure a continuation of efficient and effective client-focused efforts.
Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake
Baltimore, MD
Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake was awarded a $40,000 grant toward the expansion of its workforce development program, HabiCorps. HabiCorps currently trains individuals in the construction trades and then helps them secure employment. As part of the expansion they will now offer landscaping skills training. While learning this trade trainees will complete landscaping on 25 Habitat homes, maintain additional lots owned by Habitat, and complete select bid work.
The Light House
Annapolis, MD
Since 1989 The Light House has provided emergency shelter, transitional housing, homelessness prevention, and related support services to people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The Light House recognizes that to end the cycle of homelessness, people need to have sustainable employment skills that will allow them to make a living wage so they can afford permanent housing. To reach that goal the Building Employment Success Training (B.E.S.T.) Program provides training to prepare students to work in the high demand fields of culinary arts and building trades. The Light House was awarded a $75,000 grant for the BEST program. Funds will help pay for culinary arts training at their Light House Bistro, an expansion of the building trades program, and CareerStart soft skills training.
The Hope Program
Brooklyn, NY
The HOPE Program empowers New Yorkers to build sustainable futures through comprehensive training, jobs, advancement and lifelong career support. Job training and career services are offered to New Yorkers facing significant barriers to employment. The Hope Program was awarded $35,000 to help fund a digital literacy training program. They plan to open a new computer lab that will provided enhanced digital literacy training year-round.
Sharp Dressed Man
Baltimore, MD
Sharp Dressed Man partners with job training programs by equipping men with recycled suits for job interviews. Often a nice suit and appropriate business attire is the last hurdle for men getting back on their feet. Sharp Dressed Man equips men who are ready for work with a measure-to-fit, one on one styling experience resulting in a hand selected suit and accessories to wear to interviews and other occasions. They were awarded with a grant of $37,000. Christopher Schaefer, the founder of Sharp Dressed Man, recently appeared on the Today Show to describe the benefits of this creative program.
Byte Back
Washington DC
Byte Back’s mission is to provide a pathway of inclusive tech training that leads to living-wage careers. A $30,000 grant was awarded to expand their program in Prince George’s and Montgomery County Maryland, increasing access to technology training and internship opportunities for low-income adults in those areas.
Congratulations to each of our new grantees.