Phillips Charitable Foundation News

Honoring the Legacies and Sacrifices of American Veterans
Finding credible sources is always one of the significant challenges in recording history. Using primary sources – from those who actually participated in or experienced

Spring 2022 Grants Begin with $121,255 in Awards
Phillips Charitable Foundation (PCF) is excited to announce five recent grants as part of our Spring 2022 Awards. The grants support a variety of causes including homeless children, families in crisis, veterans and first responders, and one grant simply to spread a little joy to the community.

Heroic Humanitarian Efforts in the Midst of War
Over five million people have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began. Five MILLION! They all have lives, careers, hopes, and families.

Winter 2022 Grant Awards
Light House Open Air Market Phillips Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce six grant awards that begin our 2022 grant-giving series. Through research, conversations, and

Meet Cassie Our Hero Dog
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Cassie, a Hero Dog sponsored by Phillips Charitable Foundation (PCF). She’s a bundle of happy puppy energy and eager to meet anyone who will sit on the floor and play. Hero Dogs is a nonprofit that received one of our 2021 grants.

Honoring Our Veterans and First-Responders
Our nation’s veterans as well as firefighters, police officers, EMTs, nurses, and other first responders are often faced with horrors most of us will never have to encounter. They do this to protect and save lives.

Educational Opportunity for All
Students and Volunteers at Clemson Life The journey from high school to college is typically filled with excitement for students. They’ll make new friends and

Helping the Most Vulnerable Live Their Best Lives
There is no shortage of people who desperately need help and attention. At Phillips Charitable Foundation, rather than focusing on a single demographic such as seniors or children, we focus on the most vulnerable of society.

Helping Students Stay in College
Today, more than one in five working-age Americans is a college dropout.

Grand Ambitions for a Beautiful and Sacred Chapel
In honor of the life and memory of Howard Phillips Jr., benefactor of Phillips Charitable Foundation, we have awarded a $250,000 grant to the Sisters

Spring 2021 Grant Awards
As the first half of 2021 comes to a close, Phillips Charitable Foundation is excited to announce our recent grant awards. Seven grants were awarded, totaling $180,313. Each grant aligns with our focus on humanitarian and educational endeavors, especially those that serve the most vulnerable of society.

Heroic Efforts in 2020
Photo Courtesy of Long Island Cares Your news feed in 2020 was filled with news about rising infection rates, death tolls, job losses, and other