Phillips Charitable Foundation News

Fresh Air and Sunshine at Historic London Town and Gardens
Are you feeling a little quarantine fatigue? We all want and need to stay safe, but many are feeling antsy as well.

Hope for Children at Queen Louise Home
Photos Courtesy of Lutheran Social Services of the Virgin Islands When you’re in the business of awarding grants, there’s an overwhelming number of choices and

Letting Kids be Kids is Sometimes not that Simple
Ten-year-old Ricky thought he might not get that new bike he had expected. The COVID-19 pandemic had made the delivery quite challenging. Many of us

A Grant for Princesses and Superheroes
All Photos Courtesy of A Moment of Magic Imagine being a young child in the hospital with a serious illness and in walks your favorite

Covid-19 Emergency Relief Donations
Amidst this coronavirus pandemic we are growing used to fewer supplies and higher demand. Just walk down the cleaning isle in your local grocery store.

Grants for Respite Care and Alternative Therapy
When you have a child or family member with special needs, your entire life is changed. Even the simplest of tasks can be challenging.

Removing Obstacles to Fulfill Goals and Dreams
From creating eBooks to supporting workforce development programs to helping build an educational pavilion, Phillips Charitable Foundation grants have contributed to numerous educational endeavors throughout 2019.

Grants Supporting the Sharing of History
One doesn’t have to know Howard Phillips Jr., benefactor of Phillips Charitable Foundation, very long before his love for history came shining through. In his

Six Literacy Grants Awarded
Phillips Charitable Foundation has recently awarded six grants with a focus on literacy. Each of these new grantees plays a vital role in helping all people, regardless of challenges, to

Workforce Development Grants Announced
We are excited to announce six grantees for the 2019 Phillips Charitable Foundation Workforce Development Grant Series. Each of the organizations chosen for this grant series provides education, training, and support services needed to help disadvantaged adults succeed in the labor market.

Bello Machre Grant Launches our Workforce Development Series
At Phillips Charitable Foundation we are focused on problem-solving that leads to long-term solutions. It’s our way of maximizing the benefits of our limited grant

Do Indirect Costs Directly Impact Services and Your Mission?
We’ve been at this grantmaking endeavor for only a year now and have already noticed some common patterns amongst funding requests. Not surprisingly, when asked what